What is LIFT?
The goal of the Lander Investment for Tomorrow (LIFT) Program is to invest Fremont County’s one-half cent sales tax funds back into the Lander economy by providing funding programs to its businesses or organizations. Lander’s businesses and organizations are its lifeblood, and it is vital that the economic development sales tax is invested to continue growth and prosperity. The LIFT committee operates as a subcommittee of the Lander Economic Development Association (LEDA) and is made up of six directors-at-large and one member who is appointed by the City. If you have questions about the LIFT application, please feel free to contact us at LIFT@landereda.org
Any Lander business or organization located within City Limits that meets the eligibility requirements listed below. Submitted applications will be reviewed for thoroughness and completeness and evaluated for how the project drives new primary dollars or new job growth into the Lander community.
Applications that focus on salary only projects will not be eligible.
Examples of economic development merit:
Job creation
Expansion into new markets
Increased payrolls and workforce development
Increased sales tax revenues
Improvement to quality of life
Applicants must complete an application, cost estimates, and multiple bids.
LIFT Program applications can be submitted quarterly The business owner and / or project is eligible for one award every four quarters.. Please review all program requirements and application in full before submitting completed application.
Application due dates are listed below. Applications will be reviewed, selected and recommended to Lander City Council the following month.
Q1 awards - August 1
Q2 awards - November 1
Q3 awards - February 1
Q4 awards - May 1
Project Funding
A minimum fifty percent (50%) match of the total project cost is required
Project may receive less funding than amount requested in application
All documents and awards are subject to the Public Records Act
Applications will be reviewed quarterly, subject to fund availability
Applications for $15,000 or less will be given some priority in scoring
The maximum award is limited to $50,000, unless the application has scored 100 in the scoring matrix. In this event, the total amount of funding will be recommended by the LEDA Board of Directors and approved by Lander City Council
Lander City Council reserves the right to make final determination on all projects based on the recommendations made by the LIFT committee and LEDA Board of Directors
Awardees will be asked to complete both progress reports and a final report that indicates how LIFT funds were spent and the economic impact they had on the Lander community. This reporting is used to confirm that organizations have used funds in accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the LIFT program. The Grant Report is also used to demonstrate the community impact of the LIFT program. Organizations failing to submit required reports may not be eligible for LIFT funding in the future. Awardees agree to allow press releases promoting the benefits of the awards.
Community Improvements
The quality of a community is crucial to its economic development and diversification efforts. Funds will be designated to provide funding for publicly-owned infrastructure or other community improvements to serve the needs of businesses, organizations and citizens.
Funding options:
Enhancements (for example: splash pad, walking paths, etc).
Signage (Must relate to attractions)
Eligible Applicants:
Businesses or Organizations located in Lander
Capital Improvements
Improvements to a business or organization can pay dividends to its needs for expansion. Funds will be designated to businesses and organizations that want to improve their building or place of business.
Funding options
New construction
Renovation as a result of addition/expansion
Businesses or Organizations located in Lander
Commercial space must be owned by the business or organization owner or lessee must provide a current long-term lease agreement
Façade and signage
Building appearance and the overall aesthetic of commercial buildings help attract other organizations and enhance the appearance of the community. Funds will be designated to help update the appearance of building frontage and/or signage for the organizations.
Businesses or Organizations located in Lander
Commercial space must be owned by the business owner or lessee must provide a current long-term lease agreement
Equipment Upgrade
Purchasing new equipment can be an expensive endeavor. Newer, more efficient equipment can pay dividends to business owners. Funds will be designated to help with the downpayment, lease or purchase of equipment.
Businesses located in Lander
Technology upgrades and deferred maintenance are NOT eligible (Computers, Printers, Monitors, HVAC, etc).
Events that bring in primary dollars to Lander can be cost prohibitive. Funding to increase the frequency and/or success of such events are eligible for funding.
Events held in Lander and the surrounding areas are preferred
There must be a clear opportunity for primary dollars to come into the Lander community
Business Growth and Expansion
This program is to encourage businesses or organizations to grow their business. Whether it is expanding a new product line or establishing an online presence, these funds are available to help businesses expand their business into new markets. This is a way to keep local money local. Types of projects might include: development of new product lines, POS system upgrades to integrate with e-commerce platforms, logo creation, website design, etc.
Businesses or organizations located in Lander
Must have a business plan, financial projections that demonstrate growth, a marketing plan and budget - these are all services that the organizations like the Wyoming Small Business Development Center, Wyoming Women’s Business Center, and Impact307 can all provide cost-free.
If in business for more than two years, financial statements may be required. Confidential business information will be property of LEDA.
The LIFT Committee reserves the right to make recommendations to LEDA and Lander City Council about unknown economic development projects in the future for consideration in accordance with Resolution NO. 1411.
“Lander has no shortage of Western pride or tall tales to tell.
Main page photo generously donated by Scott Copeland